WFDY - traducción al ruso
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WFDY - traducción al ruso

  • Guy de Boisson, President of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, speaks at the opening of the [[2nd World Festival of Youth and Students]] (Budapest, 1949).
  • Map of countries which have or had a youth organization in the World Federation of Democratic Youth. Countries with active member organizations of WFDY are shown in dark green. Countries with former member organizations of WFDY are shown in light green.
WFDY; WBDJ; Demokratikus Ifjúsági Világszövetség


общая лексика

Всемирная федерация демократической молодежи, ВФДМ


World Federation of Democratic Youth

WFDY World Federation of Democratic Youth      
WFDY World Federation of Democratic Youth noun Всемирная федерация демократической молодежи, ВФДМ
Ejemplos de uso de WFDY
1. Very great is the expectation reposed by numerous progressive and peace–loving people worldwide in the WFDY.
2. The WFDY said this in its statement on August 22 denouncing the Japanese authorities‘ suppression of Chongryon and Koreans in Japan.
3. Present there were the chairman, the secretary general and other leading members of the WFDY, representatives of its regional coordinating organizations and its former chairman and secretary general.
4. Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) –– Full support and solidarity with the Korean people‘s cause of justice were expressed at the 17th Congress of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) in Vietnam.
5. Representatives of the management board of the WFDY and participants at the assembly expressed their pleasure at attending the event in Vietnam and witnessing the country‘s achievements and progress on its path to socialism. (VNA)